Transcript for:

Early Learning Institute Gonzalo

Gonzalo receives physical, occupational and speech therapies. (In addition to) Music, group, and home visits and adaptive technology therapy, many of which are provided by ELI.

For Gonzalo, I have noticed that these therapies are really satisfactory because they have helped him improve his physical movements. Intellectually he feels happy, without stress, and he is especially calm. This calmness comes from his therapies. The music therapy is really relaxing for Gonzalo, and he has learned how to relax his muscles, how to be calm, and how to move his hands, for example, to eat or to do activities in the same group do. This was something he couldn’t do before because he loves the music and it takes the stress out of him.

It is important that other children that do not have the same illness Gonzalo has or who don’t have any disability at all come play with the kids. This way, children like Gonzalo learn from these other kids that have a better capability than him.

When Gonzalo has the home visits and his therapist comes to our home, he becomes very happy! He likes his home teacher, and she is the only person he wants to take steps with, they have a great connection. The therapy is really short, especially for Gonzalo because he is really happy during this time.

Gonzalo has developed his capacity to play, choose, and interact with other people, which is something that is hard for him. He doesn’t play with a lot of people so he doesn’t trust others. ELI has given him this confidence in himself.